Accelerated Orthodontics in NYC

Clear Braces

Acceledent™ System

Clear Braces

AcceleDent™ Aura uses SoftPulse Technology ™ to help your current orthodontic treatment work faster through the use of small vibrations called micropulses to gently accelerate the movement of your teeth as they are guided by your orthodontics. The new technology of the AcceleDent™ System is designed to decrease the time you are in braces or Invisalign by increasing the rate of tooth movement. The system has been successfully used to treat people in Europe and Australia over the past few years. Results from a randomized controlled Clinical Trial, conducted at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, demonstrate that tooth movement could be increased by 38-50%.

Acceledent™ FAQS

  • How does AcceleDent work?

    By inserting the Mouthpiece – fitted around your existing fixed braces or clear aligners– and turning on the Activator for 20 minutes every day, AcceleDent Aura can speed up tooth movement by using SoftPulse Technology®. Faster tooth movement may decrease the duration of your orthodontic treatment and can even help to make your orthodontics more comfortable.

  • Why are micropulses so important?

    Your orthodontics work on their own by moving your teeth in specific directions. AcceleDent Aura uses SoftPulse Technology® to generate small vibrations, or micropulses, enhancing the movements directed by your orthodontics, allowing for faster tooth movement. The micropulses increase the rate of bone remodeling and allows the teeth to move 38-50% faster.

  • Is AcceleDent Safe?

    Yes. AcceleDent with SoftPulse Technology® has been demonstrated safe and reliable in U.S. clinical trials.

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PROPEL® System

Clear Braces

The Propel® System offers accelerated tooth movement for orthodontic patients, increasing predictability of tooth movement and decreasing overall treatment time needed to achieve the desired results. Propel® can be used in conjunction with any type of fixed or removable orthodontic treatment including traditional brackets and wires, removable appliances such as headgear or aligner trays, or even fixed appliances such as palatal expanders. The Propel® system is used to stimulate an immune response that facilitates advanced and accelerated tooth movement for targeted areas where significant tooth movement is desired.

To learn more Invisalign®, please click on any of the following links relating to Invisalign® clear aligners:

We look forward to seeing you smile!